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Written at Hadley Field
New Brunswick New Jersey
May 16, 1932

Mother Dear:
This report is not so good. Pete had a second operation on Saturday morning and the doctor thought he'd be able to go home on Sunday, even figuring Saturday, now that I recall it. But the doctor himself sent to Buffalo Saturday and didn't return until afternoon Sunday. Peter ran a temperature of 103 1/3 and was completely miserable. I was worried I tell you and Ruth, who has been wonderful all along, stick it out with more composure than I have in the matter.

Finally it came out that the second time was not successful and that simply means that after a long time it w will have to be gone through again. A tough break that is all. The poor kid hasn't eaten a thing in a week and is back to skin and bones. If we only has him back at Short Hills in the sunshine of the past few days it would be heavenly for him because he would recuperate much faster I'm sure. I want to get him back as quickly as possible now and bring the nurse we still are keeping, along with him so that Ruth cank also get back some of the vitality she has lost in the cell she has been living in. Rotten break all around. I do not balm e the doctor because it was understood that such an occurence might take place. The oartial success ontained is good enough to feel good all over I suppose and one doesn't get all the luck all the time. I was talking to Ruth on the phone a few minutes ago(9:30 AM) and Pete himself said, "Hello Ray" in a weak voice, and Ruth told me the treatment was talking hold of the infection and his thermometer read 101 this morning. Well, after all this we ought to begin to have a little good luck with all the bad that has come our way. Here's hoping we can all be back home, to build up again, within a few more days. I wish you could see the place the last few days--all the flowers were in bloom and the colors and variety were a cheer to the eye and being. This is apparently the best time of the whole year chez nous. I don't know whether I can vacation this summer or not and if I can't I'll be happy at home except that Ruth sure needs a change.

             I'm too blue to write more this day and I guess I'll write a short note to Bill and call it quits.

             All our love.
                             Your son,