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Globe Indemnity Company


June 13,  1932 

Dear Ray:

Your letter of the 10th, is received, was thinking you were either ill or away, as Mother had not heard from you either. Was very sorry to hear that Peter had to be attended to further in the sickness, which I had hoped in my last letter, would be on the mend. Hope everything is O.K. now.

Hope your remarks about-working for nothing through week end, also about your position beginning to terminate are all wet.

I enclose check to amount of two hundred fifty dollars ($250.)as one fourth of $1000.00 liquidation, as per our last two letters. I expect interest on Henrys' loan amount to June 30th, possibly to Sept 30, as he may decide. From your letter about some of the crowd waiting to be paid, think this amount might help. Cash balance is as follows:
Cash in office. $ 56.00
Checking account. 1684.57
Interest accounts. 16508.43
June 13, 1932. Balance. $18249.00

As per some previous letter, would state that $5000. of insurance on Old Colony will expire June 14, 1932. Have not renewed this amount. 

I am sending this letter registered, as Lease on Kellogg Street, property is enclosed for you to look at, also information on Sullivan. case. Kindly return these at your convenience. I admit this is a hell of a price for the rent on big house, but, it will help. 

Mr. &. Mrs. Harry Rice. of Framingham, were in Washington, at some Masonic time. At this time they were at the Smithonium Institute and have put their O.K. on your plane. While looking over the plane met a very deaf man, with a boy who conveyed any conversation for him. His name was King. stated he was formerly an avaitor, who became totally deaf therefrom. King stated he knew you; Mr. Rice. stated you were from his home town, thought it was quite a coincident, if what King. stated was true. 

Was to go to Northampton. today for the Elks State Convention, but it was too damned wet (I mean the rain). Expect to hear something on John case tomorrow. Have appointment with Co-Operative Bank at 9 A.M. 

Best regards to all.

Your brother,