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[Right margin] A Wet Day at Hadley Field July 6, 1932 Dear Billah: Roosevelt was a disappointing choice but if he be comes out in the following months better than he has for the p past two years I'll vote for him instead of Abraham Linclon. I used to think he was great but his straddling after he became NYState Governor soured me as well as lots of people. However, his taking an aeroplane to Chicago and his standing foursquare for the very good democratic platform is something else again. Hoover is impossible to me on account of his wet stand. I hop Bingham gets somewhere with his beer bill. Last night for instance I was taken to be a German beer-Garden where for 15 centers a mug the beer was easy to take and I'm going back for more. Why in hell should we have to do this sort of t thing yet, when the Drys are certainly on the run and the Volsted set should be amended NON to suit the temper of the PEEPLE? Well, it wouldn't be so nice is Piscitello went haywire. What kind of outlook in there from the standpoint of work, income and ability to pay in the future? Are they definitely stall and refusing to poney up or is there a chance to save this one from going the way of Sullivan. You know I've been think too about that bird who wanted to borrow XX money from us to play the market after it had gone done a little further about a uear back. If he though, so I did, that they looked good, then he must be broke. And if he is broke that old mortgage on the Spring water deal is blooey. Of course we have only his signature and a moral claim so to speak but at t that the Marsh note maybe going the wall of all flesh eh? It looks as though FST is OK at the old low or within two or three points as I'v said before. I see nothing wrong with Gas at its low either. If one can hold on it really makes no difference when you buy so long as you don't get jambed breaks wide open. If you buy now I wouldn't commit more than 100 each or up 50% of the cash on hand. PST around 37-8-9 plus Gas at 31-2-3-4- would be nothing over 7300 which look conservative. Around several of the BR[?] stations en route to NY there are flocks of tin garages which people use for day storage after they drive to the station. I've mentioned this before, but can't ours be late similarly at a very moderate rental? Put some stickers or draw a circle for a seal and put your own nitials and enrys [?] on your own orginial and it'sdone, isn't it Could do the same with Sohmeltz' copy easy enough. Why wait for old man experience if it is right to do right now. I don't know I was only offering comment. Guess you are right a out Mary Prindy--I got her mixed up with the younger kids it seems. No harm done. Big Boy, these are damned uncomfortbale thimes and I wish there was some reassurance.....