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D.M. FERRY. JR., President J.S. HEATON, Vice-President & Treasurer CHARLES C. BOWEN, Vice-President & Secretary J.H.Thom, Vice-President KENNEDY R. OWEN, Vice-President INCORPORATED 1884 EMERSON J. SCHOFIELD, Vice-President PAUL M. BOWEN, Vice-President & Ass't Treasurer EUGENE F. HORD, Vice President F.S. BROWN, Assistant Secretary Standard Accident Insurance Company OF DETROIT, MICHIGAN CASUALTY INSURANCE, FIDELITY AND SURETY BONDS WILLIAM E. BROOKS, AGENT 2 MAIN STREET FRAMINGHAM, MASS. August 23, 1932. Dear Ray: Was surprised to hear from your at this particular time, but, as you do not express any gloom, trust that things have taken a turn for the better, as far as you are concerned. I hope so. The boiler jobs are in progress at this time at $375.00 per each, out of which I have paid $600. for boilers and radiators, for which $30.00, or 5% will be allowed, also have paid a bill for additional parts amounting to $142.86 less 5%; total $135.72. Rate for plumbers here is now $1.121/2 per hour against $1.37 1/2 August 1st: some difference from your locality. However think you will not be able to get rates for the job any less; the last job, while at a considerable discount from the high prices, was about $460.00 for one plant, which was exactly the same as these. If we had bought most any of the stocks, where we had mentioned, we would be sitting pretty, with enough to pay for the job of plumbing, pay our taxes and some other expenses. My friend at Hornblowers was so damned pessimistic, that he wont say anything, except as you state, it is still very much anybodys' guess. I enclose Will Rogers. The Prindiville wedding will take place on September 10th, at which time I will have to shine up the scimmer. It seems that a new set of steps will have to be built in front of the church, on account of new road being three feet under present grade. The road contractor will not be able to do it until later on. Father Mike. told us that it would be done in time for the wedding, but, Prindy is doing it now. Five of the six lanes of the new road are completed from our corner to Concord Street, all are completed from that point to Speen Street(Natick line).