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Henry, Blanche, and the kids have taken a trip to Hudson, N.H. ( in mah car) to the Benson Animal Farm. Was up there about six weeks ago, and will say it is very interesting. I hope we will be able to get a little of this market profit, but after seeing it go so fast in the upswing, it is very hard to decide just what to do about it. I enclose report on Drug, which was one of the strong spots of todays market; also First Nat81 Stores. It looks as though Mother is enjoying herself, I hope that is correct. I enclose one more of her special Sunday editations. Have not been able to get any interest out of Piscitello as yet, but am still hoping. Mc Cann. was due on the 18th, but they need a new car, therefore am of the opinion this will extend as the last did. Thought you wanted those tickets returned, but, happened to see the pencil notation on envelope. Have given them to Eddie Bradley. accross the road, who is some nut on athletics, and will enjoy them: We thank you. Understand most of entrants of this event are to be from Olimpics. With best regards to all, Your brother, Bill.