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National-BenFranklin Fire Insurance Company of Pittsburgh, Pa. organized 1866 Eastern Department Newark, N.J. William E. Brooks, Agent 2 Main Street Framingham, Mass. Telephone Framingham 1248 Neal Bassett. President John Kay. Vice-Pres-Treasurer A.H. Hassinger. Vice-President Wells T. Bassett. Vice-President August 31 1932. Dear Raymond: I enclose monthly statement, with collections due for month very unsatisfactory. There isn't any particular news to offer in regards to business, since my letter of August 23rd. Had an accident in water company trench on Worchester Rd. just outside of window; at which time some of old macadam fell on one of the menpinning him for some time. He was finally taken to hospital in one of trucks, but understand no limbs were broken. Miss. Ambrose. who is the school nurse was handy and directed the rescue. I was able to supply a simulant. Later it helped by balance of men, that more trenches would fall as Brooks furnished a drink. We are leaving for Mass. N.H. or Maine in hope of seeing 100% Eclypse. It is overcast and raining now, but weather sharks state it will burn off in time. I hope so. With best to all, You brother, Bill