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Written at Hadley Field
New Brunswick, N.J.
Oct. 4, 1932

Dear Billy,

Glad to hear from you as usual, even if the business end is cloudy....

That film is somewhere in my desk and if you want it I'll send it to you to have a print made. I suggest that you have an enlargement of 5 by 7 or so. It was taken with only a small kodak and no filter for air work was used as should have been. Return to me when your finish if you dont mind.

I'm glad to learn that Henry is perking up. I wrote a letter to him while he was in the hospital and sent it to the O.C. H. Blanche must have opened it for I got an answer from her and haven't heard from Hen yet except for indirectly. That is OKthough so long as the new is good as to his health.

If the plumbing and heating job on Pearle street are done and satisfactory can you get any bites for renting now by emphasizing the advantages etc. As I suggested before I would stress to any prospects that they are getting the two floors for the actual rent charged and can cut out the top if that is too much room BUT they have the top thrown in for no extra cost and there you are. That ought to be an inducement especially since were are only considering the carrying costs as the amoun t of rent charged..

How do the Schmeltz's like the place? have they put in their own burner?

The SO. Middlesex COOP is paying off their first series next month and I'm slapping $2000 due from them against my mortgage to reduce the carrying cost. That brings me to mind that I'd like to scrpae a few more dollars together to pay off(refund) the total before it comes due in order to be quite of the bastard case. I've got par but need $3000 or $4000 more and if you want to take my note at 6% for say $3000 let me hear from you anytime at your convenience.

Hope you get the trip you desire next week and have a good time. I'm tied down to Fall household work and believe me I'm all aches and paind from floor scrapping which I started by mistake and other work.   Cherrio!

Your brother,