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. the Depot  Dial 7071

Bacon by Piece or Sliced. 13c 2 lbs. 25c

Boneless Sirloin Roast 33c

Rib Roast..... 18c

Boneless Pot Roast 15c 

Brisket and Thick Rib Corned Beef... 17c

Top of Round Steak 30c

Boneless Chuck Roast 22c

Fresh Ham 10 to 12 lbs. 
………………………………………………….2 lbs. 25c
……………………………………………… 2 lbs 25c
orned) 10c
……………………………………………………….. 22c
…………………………………………………………. 15c

an Bread Will be 
Eah Dollar Spent


Cloth For Holliston, 
Also For Hopkinton
       Holliston and Hopkinton branch-
es of the Framingham Red Cross 
have had their requests for cloth 
approved and the material will soon
be ready for distribution in those
communities.  Holliston is to re-
ceive 1150 yards and Hopkinton a 
total of 2485 yards. 

Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
Middlesex, ss.      PROBATE COURT.

To all persons interested in the es-
ate of John Rhodes Clark late of 
Summerside in the County of Price 
nd, deceased, or in the personal 
property hereinafter described, and to
the Commissioner of Corporations and 
taxation for said Commonwealth. 

  WHEREAS, Hermon Richard Clark
appointed  administrator with the
-rill annexed of the estate of said de-
ceased, by the Surrogate and Probate 
court for the Province of Prince Ed-
ward of Island has presented to said 
court his petition representing that 
as such administrator he is entitled
to certain personal property situated
on said Commonwealth, to wit:

Deposit in Farmers and Mechanic Savings Bank of Framingham Book No. 23801 and praying that he may be licensed to receive or to sell by public or private sale on such terms and to such person or persons as he shall think fit or otherwise to dispose of, and to transfer and convey said estate.

You are hereby cited to appear at a Probate Court to be held at Cambridge, in said county of Middlesex, on the twenty-fourth day of October A. D. 1932, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, to show cause, if any you have, why the same should not be granted.

And said petitioner is order to serve this citation by publishing the same once in each week, for three successive weeks, in the Framingham News a newspaper published in Framingham the last publication to be one day at least before said court, and by delivering a copy of said citation to the Commissioner of Corporations and Taxation for said Commonwealth fourteen days at least before said court.

Witness, John C. Leggart, Esquire, First Judge of said Court, this first day of October in the year one thousand nine hundred and thirty-two.

2nd column:
Pupils Neither Absent Nor Tardy For Past Month
(Special to The News)
Southboro, Oct. 7 -- In the Southboro schools the following pupils were neither absent nor tardy in High school, Junior High school, South Union school, and Fayville school during the month of September. 
Peters High school -- Evelee Chadwick, Eleanor Firmin, Margaret Hunt, Jane Johnson, Hazel Taylor, Louise Waller, Labena Bruisie, Catherine Misener, Eleanor Rossi, Anita Wilde, Eugenie Boutilier, Ethel Goff, Fances Hill, Marguerite Hull, Lillian Jewell, Themla Johnson, Frances Kidder, Ethel Nelson, Elizabeth Staples, Lena Cerutti, Louisa Cummings, Margery Johnson, Mabel Lincoln, Julia Rinaldo, Carolyn Smith, Clara Thorpe, Donald Campbell, Federick Chadwick, Edward Fradsham, Robert Gray, Lester Stockwell, Kenneth Thorpe, Joseph Baldelli, Alee Nelson, James Thorpe, Earle Watkins, Robert Burke, John Davis, Kenneth Dermon, Charles Fantony, Francis Harris, Kenneth Sullivan, Roger Taylor, Richard Blake, Walter Brewer, Frederick Fradsham, Paul Lajeunesse, John Salmon, James Stockwell, Paul Thorpe, Richard Thruber, Eugene Wilber, and Allen Woodin. 

Junior High School - Grade 7, Angelo Aspesi, Carlo Bertonassi, Harold Fay, Norman Gray, Ralph Gray, Everett Hall, Philip Harding, Ernest Minnucci, Henry Rabini, John Randell, John Sullivan, Herbert Thorpe, Aldo Tombari, Henry Young, Mary Baldelli, Elizabeth Dermon, Alfonsino Gasperoni, Mary Griffen, Ruth McHale, Marjorie Nichols, Mary Noberini, Concetta Pollutini, Phyllis Robbins, Rosemary Salmon, Avis Watkins; Grade 8, William Davis, Carl Gordan, Ralph Johnson, Robert Richchardson, Caroline Berry, Jean Condor, Myrtle Johnson, Stasia Laptewicz, Alice McHale, Mildred Phillipo, Mildred Schrader and Lena Berotonassi. 

Fayville School - Anio Cicalino, Ernest Gray, Robert Mitchell, Robert Wiles, Edward Brock, Gene Castignetti, Davis Lapore, Edward Lapore, Louise Castingetti, Charolotte Fantony, Helen Flemming and Mary Berry. 

South Union School Grade 8,