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Written at Hedley Field
New Brunswick N.T.
October 25, 1932

Dear Billy:

They are rolling the machine(big Ford) out for a trip and I'll try to get this in the R F D mail before the engines are turned over.....

By all means take advantage of the exchange rate to get more funds into Canada if the banker of Montreal says the rate will soon be par [[?]]. It is less than 8% now and if it is strengthening fast you'd better move fast.

Our cash on hand is not spectacular and I had no mind to start a raid on the funds. Certainly I don't want anyone to feel that I want to be favored and it is t herefore best to forget my request if you think everybody will want a share. I had no objection to helping Henry out of a tight hole and I am not in one myself so long as the job holds up. I can get a [[?]] on my mortgage as I told you but I kind of hate to pay the $200 [[?]] that I know the "search" and title work will cost.

Reiterating my original stand on the "fund" --all I want is to have at least $10000 as a guarantee to Mother. If we all start asking for money it can't be done so as far as I'm concerned I subside.

Now as to Henry's suggestion that there is no objection on my part towards the purchase of preferred stocks for reasons stated--but the choice of said stock is the rub. I don't trust my own ideas any more and I doubt if you or Hen can state the best to get. Preferred stocks have lost favor as much as the bond market and what to get is still the question. Have you any suggestions on hand you two? I'd like to know what they are before you take any decided action of course and as far as this letter goes it is my OK up to the point of letting me know further what you propose to buy.

You surely had a variable trip but after all it was pretty good. I wouldn't be surprisedif Colbert passed out some of these days according to your description.

The tax bill is a pain but real estate around the nex can't be removed easily so we've got to stand the gaff. It really hurts though to lose another tenant. What for? No job or moving to cheaper quarters I suppose.

Pete just past through the wost spell of asthma he ever had, with doctors and nurses in the house. I'll be happy when I can get back to a normal sleep again. Otherwise we are all well.

Best to all     your brother