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William E. Brooks 2 Main Street Framingham, Mass December 1, 1932. Dear Raymond: Usual monthly statement is enclosed. Have not heard from you since your letter of October 25th, with exception of a bit of news from Mother; the last was that all were well. Thought we might leave for New York last Thursday for a trip, also look at the tall buildings for a birthday, returning on Saturday. Thought we might talk with you over the phone at that time, but we did not go: so that's that. When it got so damned cold over the weekend, we're glad to be at home instead of travelling. If I make a few mistakes in this letter, please excuse it. Glasses were changed two days ago for bifocal, which raises hell for a time until one gets used to them. However I have made a memorandum of a few things that I wanted to tell you about. Sent check to Bank of Montreal amounting to $1000. for the Relatives account, on October 31st; check was dated Nov. 1st in order to get interest from Trust Company for past six months: This check was made to order of Realty Trust, properly endorsed to Montreal Bank. with instructions to credit to Savings Account was listed; received letter from Bank dated Nov. 2nd, which stated that check could not be accepted on account of being made out to Trust. I returned this check stating that check was properly endorsed, also that proper instructions were given as to account for credit, plus U.S. premium. Check was returned again in letter date Nov. 5th, at which time Trust Company changed name to Henry F. & William E. Brooks. In Trust, as requested. At the time the Bank received the first check premium would have been about 8%, but when check was sent to suit, it was 14 7/8%. It is just too bad the Bank of Montreal was so exacting, it cost them plenty. Henry and myself would like your O.K. on tearing down the Blacksmith-shop, previous to the next tax date April 1, 1933. All of Pearl Street houses are now empty, the last tenant owes $160.00. Here's hopeing. Have changed add stating numbers of houses, also reducing price to $35.00 (Newton is advertising same type of house at only $80.00 per.) Ms. Piscitello. owes $200. on 2nd mortgage. Mc Cann. $280.00.