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Have you any advice to offer in regards to stock? I cant seem to get any for a ten point profit. Henry thinks the money in the banks is not earning enough. My only suggesting would be to take about $2000. Useing same for margin, allowing a reliable customers man to do the trading for two or three points at a time. This sounds like hell, but, with all the assets tied up and taxable, it wouldnt be any worse. Herewith is listed all Trustee accounts, with interest to-date: |--|--|--| |Needy Blood Relatives.|[[blank]]|[[blank]]| |Nov. 1, 1932.Framingham Trust Co. Savings Acct.|$1037.26|[[blank]]| |Nov.22, 1932.Bank of Montreal.(Sherbrooke)|$1579.92|$2617.18| |Farmers' & Mechanics' Savings Bank.|Oct.7, 1932|[[blank]]| |Esther J. O'Brien.|[[blank]]|$1258.50| |Helen A. O'Brien.|[[blank]]|1258.50| |Natick Five cents Savings Bank.|Nov. 25, 1932.|[[blank]]| |Robert O'Brien.|[[blank]]|$1263.13| |Philip J. O'Brien|[[blank]]|1263.13| |Charlestown Five cents Savings Bank.|Oct. 7, 1932.|[[blank]]| |R. Edwin Brooks.|[[blank]]|$1284.32| |Frank E. Brooks.|[[blank]]|1284.32| I hope that all are well, also to hear from you soon. Your brother, Bill 1932 |--|--|--| |Oct 7|[[Farmers & Mechanics.?]]|4105.34| |Nov 1|[[Farmers & Mechanics. ? Co Sav.]]|7661.29| |Oct 21|[[Farmers & Mechanics. ?]]|4093.99| |[[blank]]|[[blank]]|15862.62| |12/1|On hand [[?]] |603.84| |[[blank]]|[[blank]]|16466,46 after taxes.|