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GLOBE INDEMNITY COMPANY A. DUNCAN REID, PRESIDENT CASUALTY INSURANCE FIDELITY AND SURETY BONDS December 11, 1932. Dear Raymond: Am just writing a few lines to acknowledge your letter of December 7th. Have had Lill. and Henry, read your letter, but did not get any satisfactory answer for either important statement: that is purchase of stock of investing, or, in regards to the present to Mother. I thing it will be OK to purchase Cons. Gas at $55. if possible; for instance $4000. on deposit in Framingham National. Interest received from this account will be taxable in Federal and State Taxes, income from this particular stock would only be taxable in Massachusetts. but, income would be almost doubled at price as stated. it is about 4 above new, so we can still wait, however it will give us something to think about. Balance at this time is approximately $16,650.00 with $600 to be paid out later. Think the best bet on present to Mother, is to let each look after it in person Best regards to all, Your Brother, Bill
Transcription Notes:
Some words have been crossed out which were not included in the transcription