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January 4, 1933, Dear Raymond: I enclose usual monthly statement, without any ways,out of the ordinary. Am still shy on Mc Cann. and Piscitelle. interest, but, still get promises. Received notefrom Henry for additional amount of $1329.35 as listed: Will cancel notes of 1930.-1931. $1395.-$1250. which in additional to new note amount will total $3974.35, which is one note dated December 30, 1032. Have just gotten over a touch of grippe of cold,which kept me in (by orders of blond nurse) until yesterday; had to go in town on account of some various insurance. Henry came in with us; the whole trip took about 6 1/2 hours. (10.30 A.M: 50 above.) Too warm! We have some of the five years insurance on the Pearl Street houses expireing on February 26th, 1923. the cost is not so heavy, but has been increased from $7.20 per thousand to $9.20 for the five year term; the amount of insurance is $3000. for each house. You can inform Mother that $5000.00 will expire on the same date, on her property, which will be subject to same rate. $5000, an Old-Colony, will expire on January 15th. With best wishes for happy and prosperous New Year. Your brother,