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D.M. Ferry Jr, President
J.S. Heaton, Vice-President & Treasurer
Charles C. Bowen, Vice-President & Secretary
Kennedy R. Owen, Vice-President

Incorporated 1884

Emerson J. Schofield, Vice President
Paul M. Bowen, Vice-President & Ass't Treasurer
Eugene F. Hord, Vice-President
F.S. Brown, Assistant Secretary

Accident Insurance Company
of Detroit, Michigan

Casualty insurance, fidelity and surety bonds

William E. Brooks, Agent
2 Main Street
Framingham, Mass.

January 24, 1933. 

Dear Ray:- 

I assure you, I was a bit shocked to receive a letter from you so quickly,it was my intention to answer before now, but, Deputy Collector stated that he would have depreciation on various property; ($5597.60) typed for my record, forwarded to me. Have not received as yet, but will forward copy, as listed and returned. Do not expect to pay any taxes on this return. (Kindly return when conveniente.)

The intention is still to tear down blacksmith shop, prev-ious to April 1st: however we have a prospect for occupancy of lower advance. This is not closed as yet, and will leave ample time for a decision before April 1st.

I do not choose to put anything in writeing, in regard to, Nether and O'Brien: but, if you should remind me, might have something to any verbally, at first opportunity. "S funny,(quotation) is correct. Henry is OK now. We took him places yesterday, and he was funny OK. A good time was had by all, but we dont dare try to get all details yet.

Glad to hear all are well.

Bestregards to all,

Your brother,
