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[[Image]] | William E. Brooks
2 Main Street Framingham, Mass. | Fire. Automobile Tornado. Windstorm rent. Rental Value Use & Occupancy Tourist Baggage Sprinkler Leakage Explosion Riot Parcels Post Registered Mail Inland Marine

January 31, 1933.

Dear Ray:

Was able to get statement from bank today, on account of inactivity of same, plus everything else: therefore I enclose the usual monthly statement one day earlier.

We are up against it in regards to tearing down old shop, on account of built in shed between shop and barn; upper part of which is on lease to Cutler Company. Outside of barn and shop happen to be inside of shed, therefore if shop came down, one side of shed would be open. If we could get Cutler Company to allow it without less in rent, would be OK. (It is not used by them)

Have not any news in particular, except that Federal Tax Agent in Boston, would like to talk matter over again, this week. Understand he is of opinion that matters can be fixed to satisfaction of all. Will call for appointment on Friday if possible.

Nothing else except that interest on mortgage notes, are still lacking, as stated in previous letter: Abdelmaseh, Mc Cann. Piscitello.

Understand you were on a weekend trip, trust that good time was had by all.

Hope that good health is there, as here.

Best regards to all,

Your brother,
