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Eastern Department
Newark, N. J.
William E. Brooks, Agent
2 Main Street
Framingham, Mass. 
Telephone Framingham 1248

March 1, 1933.

Dear Raymond: 

I enclose the usual monthly statement, some of the income due, still looking(mortgage interest).

Was glad to receive your letter of February 21st, as it shows certain agreement to buy certain stocks, if all agree: While you do not pick out anything as one to purchase, Lill. thinks well of Public Service of N.J.: Henry thinks well of First National, Either looks good to me, but when to buy is another question. I hope to get a chance to see my friend at Hornblowers this afternoon, at which time will ask information on the stocks listed in your letter, after which, will talk it over again here. 

Nothing more has been done as to blacksmith shop; understood Henry was to see if they would give up the space, which is not used, but, in the lease; for a prevelige to paint another sign on that end of the building. If this could be put over it would certainly help the old barn. I never know just what and when he will do anything, therefore, do not want to but in on it. 

I enclose the letters received from Federal Income Tax Dept., for account of return on account of payment made for account of return on account of payment made for account of years of 1930-1931. This is being put through on account of depreciation, which I understand they would expect to have been charged, if any property sold, whether you took it or not: sorry we could not have gone back as far as 1928-1929. Kindly return these letters as is, with copies attached, for future reference.

Also find enclosed, copy of letter received from Collector of Taxes, as to standing of property, on which we have a mortgage; on reverse side you will see what is due from the mortgages. I intend to write to Howard and Hill. (even though they pay promptly) at least six weeks ahead of interest dates, that, we are anxious to close the mortgages; in this way giving ample time to place them otherwise. maybe it will be paid, but, have my doubts. 

Best regards to all, 
Your brother, 

P.S. no trip as yet. 