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Written at Hadley Field
New Brunswick N.J
April 24, 1933

Dear Billy:

No news of anything particular. The papers the other night published the fact that after consolidation with the ATT department, they were laying off 1300 from the Labs and 200 from the bunch of the ATT department of Research. Tomorrow it is three wekks [[weeks]] since they told me something was going to happen and talk about your drop in morale--there isn't any incentive to work with the axe hanging over your head and yet that is just what has happened for three weeks. The top officials in this company are haywure [[somewhere?]] if they can't run a show better than they are doing. Advices from various souces [[sources]] say to sell ATT short because of the rate cases and dividend influences and that certainly sounds like a long way for a premiere investment stock to travel. Oh Well......But if they were going to let me out I wish they'd tell me so I could quit flying and taking chances...

The beer is not so hot. I've had plenty and it is wishy washy down here. Going to try Schlitz next. I do not think, however, that the new stuff will be right until another three months--until the near stuff is gone and the full 3.2 is mad [[made]] to strength and properly brewed. Home brewstill much better.

Hope the Framingham Mortgage situation is not going the wrong way.. speaking of mortgages--I've borrowed a bit against insurance and scrapped to get out from under mine next month-like robbing Pete to pay Paul , but theis [[this]] man Case is a S O B and I want done with him. As to the mechanics of the thing-how does it work? Is it better fro [[for]] me to hire a lawyer and give him a check and let hime [[him]] be sure to get the canceled mortgage for removal from the Registrars office records or would you just send the final check and ask for good delivery on the paper? I've never handled this sort of thing so let me have your advice please

How is the amount involved in insurance coverage changed by the present circumstances? Are people in general writting [[writing]] down the coverage. I am thinking about what I will do in my case when the renewal comes up.

Haven't got my tax bill yet but the rate is still too high in Millburn where I pay.Politics bah...

Aunt Sarah is going to Cambridge Sunday after a long stay and we will miss her....

Well, what do you think of the market now?

Tell me how Henry is making out with the pub.

Best to you all.

Your brother,