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National-BenFranklin              Neal Bassett, President
Fire Insurance Company     John Kay, Vice-Pres.-Treasurer
of Pittsburgh, Pa.         A.H. Hassinger, Vice-President
Organized 1866           Wells T. Bassett, Vice-President

            NEWARK, N. J.

          WILLIAM E. BROOKS, Agent
           2 Main Street
          Telephone Framingham 1248

                               May 1, 1933.

Dear Raymond:
   I enclose the usual monthly statement; Have more disappointments in the case of Mc. Cann. and Abdelmaseh: no interest received. Am also disappointed in the case of $300. to Henry. A lot of pressure was worked in order to get the cash to pay for License fee. I objected on account of most of us needing some, but he getting it all. Lilly agreed to it and myself, on account of the short time, but it was to be paid previous to the statement going out, but was not. Of course, this Town didnot grant any licenses until one week after others, therefore owing to newness being worn off, plus the cold weather, business was not so rushing. Henry is working very hard on account of the beer racket, but I do hope he will pay the $300. this month. Would have written to you before (after the shock of one April 5, and 26,) but wanted news without the above sad stuff.
    Had a very busy week (pleasure only) at the New England Hotel meeting, there is one to be held in Asbury Park, May 22 to 27, with free hotel accommodations. If we can find the price, may attend, at which time would be able to have a talk with you about various subjects. I have a hunch Henry will be asking for $500. more for modern equiptment, for draft beer after seeing some at the shaw, next, he will want the house painted. If we are to keep on doing this, it would seem better to equipt a new kitchen and dinning room and go to it. All the Hotel men are complaining about the cost of liscenses, but are taking the rap, with the expectation the beer and wine allowance is a wedge, with a good possibility of the other coming later.
    In regards to insurance on your house; would state; I think you should carry as much as possible in order to cover a loss, if one caught fire; Fire insurance on dwellings is not so expensive. If you pay off the mortgage, be sure and have the present holder, sign a slip for each policy, relinquishing claim. All I can say about final payment of a mortgage, is to getting all papers returned, with receipt for full payment. You can have a lawyer take care of records at Registry, otherwise, if convenient, show receipt yourself. While I am not positive of the proceedure, will state I have signed receipts for payment, have not had anything more to do about, therefore it may be as I suggested.