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Eastern Department
Newark, N.J.

William E. Brooks, Agent
2 Main Street
Framingham, Mass. 
Telephone Framingham 1248

July 29, 1933. 

Dear Raymond: 

From information received on your card, would understand that you must be enjoying yourselves, but, I do hope that the ear trouble will vanish. 

We had one of those quick trips to Old Orchard, last Saturday, though about it about 1 P.M. leaving about 2, arrived at 5.15. After a highball; a bath, supper, looked over the beach, then a few dances at the Pier. Left after breakfast Sunday, arriving home at 1 P.M. The Brunswick Hotel is very satisfactory there. 

One of the reasons for this letter is to find out if I got my dates mixed with you. You stated by phone that you would be away for three weeks; (if it suited you) understood you to say August 13th: this would make it 4 weeks. Let me know if you meant the 5th, or 13th, at which time I will positively be at home. 

100 shares of United Corporation was purchased at 10 1/2. Will not be ex dividend for some time yet, therefore, have left certificate in street name for present, in case we might be able to get a small profit on a quick turnover. Certificate is held at Horn-
blower & Weeks; for which I have acknowledgement.

Understand there will be a clam-bake at the Old Colony on Saturday August 5th. Hope the changes made by Henry will be suc-
cessful for profit to him. 

Here is the big news: I suppose that Phil is going back to school later, but understood that he drove to Boston on Thursday looking for a job. (about time) Am not asking any questions, but am sure he answered the phone at 801 Pearl this morning. Maybe he took oneon the Exchange which will be closed Saturdays during August. 

it is 96% Boston & Framingham. Boston Globe stated it was highest for July 29th. since 1882. Hope it is more comfortable at the camp. 

Best to all, 
Your brother, 