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August 31, 1933.

Dear Ray:

Enclosed, the usual monthly statement.

I presume this to be good news, as follows:

Heavy expenses to cover painting and extras; with exception of about $16.00-due Rochford, plus another amount to Framingham Pattern Works. Henry is to pay for other expenses: Old Colony House.
Pearl Street, houses; all outside work completed. 

#72 Pearl Street let, payment of $10.00 made in order to have rent payable on first of each month.

#70 Pearl Street let, from October 1st; deposit of $5.00 received. Am sorry to state considerable work will have to be done inside, within next month.

#76 Pearl Street (Heywood) have agreed with Trowbridge; to accept $25.00 for next two months, from Sept. 15th, if they do not get a roomer: After that?

Will expect to see you sometime during the next month, when you come up to the big city. Looks like a big time at the 101st meeting on Sept. 8-9-10th, if not, Maj. Duane. is some press agent.

Am glad to hear that Mother is not going to lo se [[lose]] her tenant; Hope we will be able to let #74. 

Best to all

Your brother,