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-June 30, 1935. Assets of Frank E. Brooks Realty Trust.-

-STOCKS. (All stocks of no value are not listed-
3 shares Boston Elevated Ry.  $65.25         $195.75
1 share Framingham Bld. Assn.                 900.00 (last sale)
1 share Framingham Co-op Bank. Paid up share 1000.00
89 shares Middle States Oil. 'B' 3/8           33.38
110 shares Minards Liniment 8%   2 1/2 (bid)  275.00
6 shares Mission Corporation.  12.3/8          74.25
100 shares Standard Oil of N.J. 46.5/8       4662.50
2 shares Texas Corporation.   20.              40.00
100 shares United Corporation.  3.75          375.00       $7555.88

$2000 2nd. A. J. Abdelmaseh. Last interest 1932. Doubtfull.
$6250. 1st. Edward G. Galvin.  6%      $6250.00
 3600. 2nd. Edward H. Howard.  8%       3600.00
 3000. 1st. J. H. Knight.      8%       3000.00
 8000. 1st. J. H. McCann.      7%       8000.00
 2500. 2nd. M. A. Reed.       10%       2500.00         $23350.00

$6719.36 F. Henry Brooks.                  $6719.36
 3500.00 Julian Phillips. (Apprised 1926.)  1750.00
  106.00 L. B. O'Brien.                      106.00      $8575.36

-Cash on hand and in Banks.-
Farmers & Mechanics Savings Bank.           $3514.53
Framingham National Bank Int. Dept.           291.73
Framingham Trust Company Savings Dept.       4371.17
Framingham Trust Company Checking account.   2694.51
Cash on hand.                                  21.16      $10893.10

Assessed Valuation on Real Estate.                      $74600.00

Various charges against Real Estate by Government.
Based from February 10, 1928.  As follows:
Grain Store & Stable.   $ 9000. Valuation.    $5412.56
Hotel.                   20000. Valuation.    13007.92
Cement Garages.           2920. Valuation.      593.25
Kellogg Street Dwelling. 12600. Valuation.     8662.50
Pearl St. 4 Apartments.  16000. Valuation.     8102.34
Total Depreciation to December 31, 1934.    $35778.57

Taxes 1935. Due Town of Framingham, Mass.     $2417.04      38195.61                                                $86778.73

         Attached to 1935. Capital Stock Return. Form 707