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Written at Hat Hadley Field 
New Brunswick N.J.
Aug ust 6, 1935

Dear Bill:

Thanks for the usual letter and dope. 

Hope you will be successful in getting the tax refund you are after**We ahven't seen anything yet in regard to taxes. Just wait till these here expensive bills the Govt. is running up have to be paid. WOW.  You know I just can't understand this F.D. Roos velt. I voted for him and I'm willing to admit that he ought to have given the farmers a break, and I'm for feeding the hungry...BUT when it comes to socialism in sharing the wealth and taxing the thrifty and dogging business until business men don't know which way to do business--then I admit I give up and hope he gets thrown out.

I'm supposed to be a Democrat--and I want to be one The kind that Sen. Carter Glass is. But what passes for a Repub or a Dem these days is a couple of different horeses of a couple of different colors.... Do you know the answer?

It makes me feel a wh le lot better to have you tell me mother is looking and feeling better. She wrote Sarah the other day that she is all right if she stays off her feet and Lord knows that is just what I've been preaching to all and sundry concerned ever since my local doctor she had to be careful or else...

I'd forgotten about the HOLC Bonds. Well we we can speak about what we'll do when we get the proceeds if and when. Understand McCann has his people at the beach at high prices and we are paying for all that as usual. How can we, in a preferably nice way, make him get out of our pile? Do you know any sane method to stop this stalling and make things worse for us in the long run?

On the statement you sent me with the I tax filing I see Fram Building $900. I thought we had 2000 in there or did I slip a cog somewhers back....

It did my heart good on the latest statement to see Henry ponying up a s he should have done long long ago. I trust he'll continue to pay off like he told you he would.

The Packard 120 is a mighty fine boat all around for the money class it is in and I'm glad I got it in place of the 526 that was getting shot. The mileage is 12-13 same as the 526 but if you want to do without the snap you can cut the carburetor to get 15. The car weighs 3800 so it is almost as much as the 526 I liked so well. It has everything the modern car has....

Best to yuh.....

Your brother,