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Hadley Field
New Brunswick N.J.
October 2, 1935

Dear Bill:

Herewith receipt for Mothers' payoff. Just got a letter from her saying what a swell trip they had to Canada. Glad to know she is feeling so much improved.

What she said about the welfare of the relatives in Sherbrooke made me wonder how long it will be before they begin howling beacuse the Needy Fund in exhausted......

I'll await more information on the HOLC as mentioned in your letter. I hadn't realized McCann was in so far. Isn't he doing any business or is it a case of letting us hold the bag. I8d much rather have the bond and let someone else have the second mortgage if we could get out with cash.....

I sent the L-152 to the National Ben Franklin in Newark today.

No other news--still carrying on with flying but would take a job with out the air business if I could get one--getting too old to keep this up much longer.....

Best to you.

Your brother
