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December 10, 1935

Dear Billy:

Herewith the HOLC letter on McCann, with comments:

Take the $6100 bonds by all means and the note on the q.t. signed by as many desirable endorsors as possible to obtain. I don't like this way out particularly but it is better than another kick in the pants as you mentioned. From the looks of it all I would say MCCann doesn't want to own his house in fee simple and in any long run carrying of his mortgage we would eventually be left holding the bag.

And I'd really like to get the dough out of our other mortgages too if it can be done.

G&B is a good oil burner--especially if backed by SOJ. Gotta have heat in the house so suppose youmamy

as well go ahead. Did Schmeltz ever come to bat with a buyer or is he throwing the bull? Or, possibly, is he playing possum with friend of his until we do all the repairing and painting that has got to be done. DOn't forget that that place has got to have a good coat or two of best paint outside next May or June......

Been in bed with the first cold I've had in a couple of years. Still scared pf getting pneumonia again so I take precautions you bet. Here at Hadley where this is being typped it is like a barn and every winter I get the jitters worrying about how to dress and keep my nose clean. The te temperature at the floor is 61. and in the next ten feet goes u up to over eighty. All the heat mushrooms to the ceiling and is mostly just wasted. Meanwhile no one of us can be without sniffles. This is a hell of a job and I wish I were quits of it! But it isn't so easy to get another saysme.

Hope you are all well in Framingham. Best to yuh.

Your brother,