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Transcription: [00:20:01]
{SPEAKER name="Maria Agner"}
Do they grow in special areas of your farm? Do you, um?

{SPEAKER name="Maria Agner"}
Yeah, the yellow ones, the chanterelles that grow in the countries and in the pecan groves
and the wild meadow mushrooms, how the name already explains, grows in the pasture.

And the powder poufs, they grow in the pasture too. Especially when cows have been and there is manure.

{SPEAKER name="J. L. Harris"}[Jimmy Lee Harris]
Do you get pleasant surprises some days when you go out and just see they have all appeared?

Oh yeah, I sure, I sure do, and I am very eager when I see something yellow or white.
To go there and see what it is.

{SPEAKER name="J. L. Harris"}
You also, do you dry any mushrooms? You can them?

{SPEAKER name="Maria Agner"}
Yeah, I dry them, I freeze them, and I can them.
When I freeze them, I found out the best way is to cook them completely and just put them as a meal in the freezer.
And drying, I have a dryer, little dryer, and I dry them in there.
But, uh, canning is very simple too and in a canning book it comes with a caner.
There is a time explained how long you have to can them. But to them them ready I put them in a short time in a pot and let them simmer in their own juice and I put them in the caner.

{SPEAKER name="J. L. Harris"}
Do you ever use any of the plants that Mrs. Anderson has?

{SPEAKER name="Maria Agner"}
Yeah, I use, uh, I use many wild plants for food purposes too.
And I read about that here grows some too like that wild stock. It's pointed, and it grows really in the ditch farm.
And in Europe we use the nettle, it makes a vegetable like spinach.
And dandelion for salad. It is very delicious salad in the spring before the blossom comes, otherwise its not more, its bitter.
And healing herbs, we used too. We made tea out of linden blossoms for colds.
I used chamomile from Europe or from health stores here for healing purposes
and uh, when children for example have diarrhea.