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Transcription: [00:33:15]
{SPEAKER name="Female voice 1"}
[[distant]] I don't plan on canning because, you know, it's expensive, um, but what I'd like to do [[inaudible]] a relish recipe, that I just want to cook it and put it in the refrigerator. Do you see any problems because I know there could be dangers [[inaudible]] So if I want to make tomato relish [[inaudible]] cook it and put it [[inaudible]] in a container and refrigerate it and not worry --


{SPEAKER name="Martha Barrs"}
You can cook it and put it in the refrigerator, but I would advise you to keep that under refrigeration at all times. Don't leave it setting on the table after the meal for a good while intending to clean the table off a little later.
I would say put it back in the refrigerator but I wouldn't make no more than I could use within say a week and a half or two weeks till the longest.

{SPEAKER name="J. L. Harris"}
Any other questions?
{SPEAKER name="Female voice 2"}
Can you can green peas, uh green peanuts?
{SPEAKER name="Martha Barrs"}
Do you want to answer that?

{SPEAKER name="Peggy Miller"}
You can can green peanuts, yes, we do.
{SPEAKER name="Martha Barrs"}
[[overlapping]] Yes ma'am I can green peanuts. Now to process those we just pull 'em up out of the ground. We wash 'em. We green pack 'em into a jar and adds the salt in the water and then we cook'em for about twenty minutes in our pressure cooker and then when we get ready to eat 'em we just rinse the brine water off and we go sit down and watch our favorite ball game. [[laughter]]

And the scoring who's team is behind is how many peanuts you're gonna eat. If yours is behind, you eat the peanuts faster.

{SPEAKER name="Female voice 3"}
Do you know how to can grape leaves? Grape leaves?

{SPEAKER name="Martha Barrs"}
I've never canned any grape leaves, no ma'am.
{SPEAKER name="Peggy Miller"}
[[overlapping]] No I haven't. Your county agent may know that. We--
{SPEAKER name="Female voice 4"}
It would probably be like canning collards, I bet.

{SPEAKER name="Peggy Miller"}
{SPEAKER name="Martha Barrs"}
[[overlapping]] I would advise, I would advise that you go, uh, do that, the, uh, county extension office out of the county that you live in, but also, here in Washington, the books are published through the agriculture department. If you don't have one of those cannning books, write and ask you for one and get you advise from your county extension agent.