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Transcription: [00:39:26]
{Group Singing}

Amazing Grace!

How sweet the sound.

That saved a wretch like me!

I once was lost,

but now am found.

Was blind, but now I see.

{Unknown Speaker}
Before we move into the rest of the music I'd like to read something about the festival


which was spoken at the second festival at the end of a very trying time.

And I want to read it because I think it's a particularly beautiful evocation of

the spirit of the kinds of people that you have on the stage singing today that come together here.

Grass roots people from all over the nation, who are really the power of this country.

And I think Alan Lomax, in his closing remarks to the 68 festival, expressed the spirit of that festival,

which meant so much to Abby as well as so much to all of us here.

It's the kind of spirit that Abby evoked in the participant's handbook which he designed for this festival.

Laid it out, chose the photographs.

And it's not surprising that with that handbook in hand 200 people came here

and made happen on these grounds this week one of the most loving and wonderful together experiences

that those of us who worked on this festival together with him have ever had.

I think you'll understand when you hear Alan's words.

You have to understand that these words were spoken right after the closing of Resurrection City, that struggle.


Poor people from all over the country traveling on foot.


Guild teams traveling in buses for days.

Black and white and red coming--