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21 Smith Block.
Framingham Mass.
April 30 1920

Dear Raymond,
Quite some time since you have had to decipher any of my lingo. if the war strain along the border is not too strenuous perhaps you can stand a little.

There is quite a lot to explain. First of all, about a week ago Smithey went off the handle for about two minutes and came down to earth shortly afterwards. however I guess he sent you a copy of his resignation damn fool thing for him to suggest. from his own point of view and guess he realizes it now. at any rate, he is and we are working & pulling together better than before.

Our decision to invest in a Jenneir I guess has come more thru force of circumstances than actually wanting one. and if it was not the best proposition open for us by a long shot I am sure we would not consider it.  Price is a great consideration and time is the other. However you know and I know a Jenneir is not the ship for us and the less we fly her and the sooner we get rid of her the better off we will be.  but its a case of action in May. The Jenneir can be