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March 23, 1920

Dear Brooks;
We have to report that we were yesterday able to convert Dennison to our cause to the extent of five hundred berries. On the other hand we were informed by letter that Mr. Angler is unable to cooperate with us financially. However-- we shall go after him again, later. Today we are to see Mr. Long if it is possible, besides a number of others. 
Have you taken up and more of the giants- and Allie White?
Mr. Dennison gave us a little dope on what he thought goes to make up success in a business enterprise. He also suggested the use of the dump ground not far from his factory, which would really make a suitable landing group if it were filled and leveled off, but of course this would take considerable money. However, it is in a pretty location, for commercial work.  Our morale is now on a high plane, and we shall incorporate as soon as possible, secure a plane as soon as possible, even if it's only a Jenny, as flying weather will soon be upon us-- and the dollars are waiting to be collected.
Our combination of Long, Perkins and Dennison is pretty good one, we feel-- and the fact that they are in with us-- should be a good omen of ability to get what further money we need for the start.