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Kelly Field 2,
San Antonio, Texas,
April 27, 1920.

Dear B&S:-
I received your Monday wire this noontime, but haven't received the letter so don't care about the misunderstanding and will disregard same as you say when letter does arrive.

As I recently wrote you I am satisfied on my part if you two on your part feel that a Jenny will not do us harm in the long run.  All I ask is that you cut out the stunts in that sort of a machine unless you can adequately brace it according to the best information obtainable from the Curtiss engineers.  Furthermore I do not need to tell you to be very particular about the machine you accept because all these Jennys that the Cutiss Co. are now selling are machines made two years ago and sold back at about 800 dollars by the gov't. to the Curtis Co.  They have been very roughly handled and allowed to stay outdoors in all kinds of weather.  I know because I have seen piles of crates that are full of holes, stacked all along all the gov't, aerodromes in this part of the count.  Here at Kelly Field they are moving, for the tenth time, about eighty machines being shipped to Alabama on this same Curtiss contract.  Now Iam heartily in favor of all you have done in this matter, but for the love of pete don't forget for a inute just how far you can go with one of these JN4s.

The telegram says "operating gins first on  percentage basis,,," and I supp the reference is to the 25 Interaille prosition you told me about.  Good, say I.

I ordered 2500 envelopes and 5000 letterheads for a starter today upon receipt yesterday of your letter with the enclosed check.  The work can not be turned out for ten days but at the price we are paying we can afford to wait. I'll express the material to you at the earliest opportunity.  I ordered only half the amount of envelopes because generally one uses two sheets of paper and besides we'll probably be ready to get stamped envelopes thru the Post office by the time this first lot is gone.  All you will need now is a stack of cheap and thin second sheets for carbon copy filing.

The enclosed letter explains itself and I present it for Smithys' delight.  I hardly think we can do much for the poor guy this year....

Hope the coin is coming....

Glad to learn of Mr. Mayalls' interest and hope you can get a lot of dope from him.  I'll do all I can at this end along this line of aerial camera work.

Let the Air Service magazine item go till I gain enough to write you further.  All I meant, however, if you want to go ahead at this time, is to give them a li little line,,,, --- Oh!hell go ahead and simply give 'em the facts of the incorporation and who is who.  Don't put in the cuts unless you want to make a little three leaf clover affi with all our maps.

How can we best get on the interallied books for an agency out west after we get a little further along.

We might as well copyright "Airgo" Might wait to use it; it is all right.

Fine stuff about Wilford way, and about the propellors.  In that booklet - the catolgue I mean - the last lot at the bottom of page 31 has my goat.  These 200 to 220 H.F. Hiso props are what I'm using today on the Spad I just got in the squadron.  They co the gov't. about 90 dollars and why in hell they sell'em for $5.00 beats me!  You might pip a couple of Jenny props out of the lot too??

Whoopee -- I should say the spirits[[...?]]