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you that a Jenny is not the machine we want, but we feel that we can secure the Avro later even if we decide at the last moment that we will not accept the Jn, but of course this will depend on the elasticity of the International and to what extent we can swing them. At present they feel disposed to do almost anything to help us get started. They told us that they appreciated the way we were going into the game, and liked our ideas of keeping down overhead until we had some income. 
Smith was in town today and tried to get in touch with Colonel Pfaff, Dudley Clark and Bancroft. The latter two were out and the former said that he could not support us financially at present but said he was with us morally.
By the enclosed letter of Mr.Perkins' to Mr. L. E. Thomas of the Inter-Collegiate Flying Association you will conclude that he is with us, and realizes what the future will bring to aviation. Pretty good of the old boy to go after a thing like that. Also a good thing for us and Framingham that the Harvard Boys are coming out here for trials, etc. The bad weather has kept them away up to this writing altho it is hoped they will be out tomorrow.
We received your letter of the 25th this morning, enclosing copies of letters to the names we sent you. Thanks. Just as you say, with, rennan coming out and putting up a hanger we could make a barrel of money from now on until fall, with two machines. When Drennan gets working and the news is passed around thru New England that Framingham is Air Service Headquarters, the Muster Field will by the centre of attraction for miles around, and with the passenger carrying