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April 1st 1920

Minutes of meeting for Incorporation. 
The first meeting of the incorporators of the Brooks, Banks & Smith Corporation was held at the office of James E. Luby, Esq., Room 3, Manson Building, Framingham, Mass., at three 
o'clock P.M., notice of said meeting having been waived by all the incorporators in writing, endorsed upon the agreement of association, and the time and place of said meeting having been fixed as aforesaid in said waver [[waiver]] of notice.

There were present William E. Brooks, Harland F. Banks and C. Oren Smith, being all of the incorporators.

Upon motion duly made and seconded, Mr. Brooks was elected chairman of the meeting.


Upon motion duly made and seconded it was voted to proceed by ballot to the election of a temporary clerk. Thereupon all the incorporators proceeded to cast ballots for the choice of temporary clerk, and Mr. Banks, having received all the votes cast, was duly elected. He was thereupon duly sworn as appears by the following certificate.


April 1st, 1920.

Then personally appeared before me the above names Harland F. Banks and made oath that he would faithfully discharge the duties of clear pro tempore at the meeting of the incorporators of the Brooks, Banks & Smith Corporation.

Before me,
Justice of the Peace.
My Commission expires May 28, 1926.

Upon motion duly made and seconded it was then voted to adopt  the following by-laws;-