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Article 5.

Sec. 1.  The president shall have the powers and duties usual to his office subject to any provisions contained elsewhere in these by-laws concerning his powers and duties.  He shall, when present, preside at all meetings of the stockholders and directors. 

Sec. 2.  The vice-president, if one be elected by the board of directors, shall have all the powers and duties of the president in case of the absence, death, resignation, or disability from any cause of the president.

Article 6.

Sec. 1.  The Treasurer shall have the pwers and duties usual to his office subject to such conditions and restrictions as may be made by the board of directors and to any provisions contained elsewhere in these by laws concerning his powers and duties.  He shall give a bond to the corporation, if required by the board of directors, in such sum and with such srety or sureties as they may require, for the faithful performance of his duties.  He shall keep accurate books of account which shall always be open to the inspection of the directors at his office during business hours, and he shall render to them at the annual meetings of the board, or whenever the directors may require, a brief statement of the financial condition of the corporation and he shall also present to the stockholders at their annual meeting a report giving the receipts and disbursements of the preceding fiscal year and the then financial condition of the corporation.

Article 7.

Sec. 1.  The clerk shall be sworn each year to the faithful performance of his duties and a record of the oath with the evidence thereof shall be made on the records of the corporation. He shall attend the meetings of the stockholders and of the directors and shall record the proceedings thereof.  He shall notify the stock-