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Adams, S.F. Lakeside, Beadle Co. Dakota. 
Specimens of Planorbis trivolis from Dakota.

Baird, Prof. S.F. Secretary Smithsonian Institution and Director of the National Museum.
Pearl from Venus mercenaria L. obtained at Wood's Holl, Mass by T.S. Ellis. A remarkably large and fine example.

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Beauchamp, Rev. W.M. Baldwinsville N.Y.
Shells of Unio, Linnaea and Bithinia from the state of New York.

Blochman, Lucien A. San Diego, Cal. 
Marine shells (Litorina, Astrea, Cerithidea, etc.) from San Diego, Cal. 

Call, R. Ellsworth. David City, Nebraska. 
— Land and fresh water shells from Utah and Nevada, including types of New Species, etc. a valuable series.
— Specimens of Unio Wardii Lea. from Des Moines Iowa. 
— Specimens of Sphaerium Jayanum and S. transversum from Des Moines.
— Alcoholic specimens of Limax maximus L. from the District of Columbia.
— Twelve species, 127 specimens Unionidae from Des Moines river, Iowa.

Coleman, W.W. 927 Ninth Street Washington D.C. 
Specimen of Loligo from Norfolk Va.

Crawford, Dr. M.H. U.S.N. of U.S.S. Shenandoah Lima, Peru.
Specimens of mollusks and shells dry and in alcohol from Lat. 52"39'S and Lon. 68"34'W. from the west coast of Tierra del Fuego, near the entrance of Magellan Strait