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British Museum series, no other collection approaches it in its deep sea material ; much of which is and will always remain practically unique. For North Atlantic, North European and Arctic shells generally, it is conceded to be the finest single collection extant. Joined with the Arctic material already collected by American explorers, it will form a representation of the Polar mollusk-fauna, which can have no superior and for many years probably no equal.

The collections of Mr. Henry Hemphill in Florida have been continued during the year and comprise the most satisfactory series ever received by the Curator from any collector in the field. They include many novelties, and are a most important contribution toward a better knowledge of the fauna of the Floridian region, which they show to be more and more closely connected with the Antillean fauna.

Interesting arctic shells have been received from Mr. Lucien W. Turner and Ensign H. J. Dresel; [[strikethrough]] and [[strikethrough]] Prof. A. G. Wetherby and Mr. R. Ellsworth Call have contributed some acceptable material to the land and fresh water series.