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the National Collection, is in the hands of this gentleman and his assistants, of whose progress and researches I have no official cognizance, though it is well known that their scientific results are of great interest and value. It would perhaps be desirable that they should report annually to the director of the National Museum as to the extent and direction of their researches and the kind and quantity of material belonging to the Museum which is in their hands. Only by some such means as this can the actual riches of the collection in its various branches be properly estimated.

For the region south of Hatteras the Curator has been engaged, so far as time and opportunity admitted, in prosecuting investigations into the mollusk-fauna. It is the least known and apparently the richest region bordered by the coast of the United States. Owing to various circumstances, well understood, scientific research in this part of the country, formerly active, has been for some twenty years almost at a standstill, except where promoted by national organizations, such as the