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number of entries in any one year by subtracting the first from the last number entered for that year. To avoid this confusion as much as possible in future, I have had the volumes gone over and all gaps known to be unfilled or unassigned, filled up. But the gaps in the assigned series cannot be filled until the original lists are all received from the Fish Commission which is now the only holder of such blank series.

The last entry of June, 1885 was number 48,156; the first in January was 37,360 but, as before pointed out, the difference between these two numbers does not indicate the correct number of entries for the period.

The department prepared for the Fish Commission exhibit, in the National Museum building, a series of economic mollusks and their products which has been catalogued in the Reports on the Centennial and London Fisheries exhibitions and was also exhibited at Berlin. The New Orleans exhibit when returned from that place (a fact accomplished at the actual date of writing) and unpacked, will form the basis of an exhibit in the