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acquisition to the corps of workers.

Under present circumstances the weight of clerical labor falling upon the Curator of this department and probably of other departments, is very great and absorbs a very large proportion of his time which might better be devoted to a higher grade of work. Everything which diminishes the time given to such matters contributes to the efficiency of the museum corps and this is my excuse for offering in an appendix some suggestions toward the preparation of blanks which would save time now devoted to writing and copying routine reports etc.

I would also venture the suggestion that stated, say monthly, meetings of the Assistant Director, the Curators, Assistant Curators, and others engaged in the administration of the different departments would be of much use. At such meetings, methods of labelling, preparing and exhibiting material could be compared. Standard schedules of materials such as boxes, trays, bottles etc. discussed and decided upon so as to unify more completely the methods in use in the different sections; and the experience of the different Curators utilized in matters