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Sears, Mrs. E.J. Mt. Carmel, Ill. Jan. 28, 1885. Acc. 15640.
Miscellaneous shells mostly derived from some piece of shell work. Locality unknown.

Spinner, Gen. F.E. Jacksonville, Fla. (Through W.H. Dall). Apr. 23, 1885. Acc. 15960
Unio, Ampullaria and Neritina, Lake Monroe, Fla. Helix melanotragus, Born., East Indies.

Stoney, Geo. M. U.S.N. Feb. 10, 1885. Acc. 15688. 
Linnaea ampla, Migh. Kowak River, Alaska. 
Marine shells in alcohol. Kotzebue Sound.

Townsend, C.H. U.S. Nat. Mus. Feb. 2, 1885. Acc. 15689.
Shells chiefly marine from beaches, Magdalena Bay, Lower Cal. Argonauta Pacifica, Dall, (2 specimens). Sundry beach shells Natividad Id., Lower Cal. 400 miles south of U.S. boundary coast of Lower California.

Trade, Board of, Portland, Oregon. Feb. 7, 1885. Acc. 15712.
Package of Mya arenaria, L., (living) Oregon.