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The sizes admitted to be of the most convenience are: -

1. Folios. (e.g. Museum registers, etc.)

2. Quartos. (1 width and 2/3 the height of No. 1.)

3. Octavos. (half size of Quartos.)

4. Library card, standard size.

Number one can be applied with a little management to all the registers of the museum, not only to those containing the accessions (day book) but to the ledger accounts where they are grouped with reference to their relations, and also documents for registering collections sent out etc.

Number two is suitable for all reports (annual, monthly,) official letters, inventories and the majority of blanks, circulars etc. which are intended for use in single sheets or a few sheets, such as rules, general orders etc. Such papers are best annually filled in letter books where they can be referred to directly without hunting or unfolding. Number three is best suited for such blanks for requisitions, memoranda etc. as do not require the quarto size and are too large for library card size, but it would seem as if all possible pains should be