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[[4 column table]]

Year. | Extension of entries. | Number of entries. | Totals.

1884  | 2151 to 2868 | 717 | Br't f'w'd. [[Brought forward]] 32043         
      | 2874 to 3000 | 126 |
      | 25101 to 25501 | 400 |
      | 25576 to 26101 | 525 |
      | 31279 to 31314 | 35 |
      | 35889 to 37361 | 1472 |
      | 39902 to 40522 | 620 |
      | 40903 to 41161 | 258 | 4153
Feb. & Mch. | 31314 to 32776 | 1462 |
Jan. 6th to May 14th. | 37361 to 37503 | 142 |
Jan. 1st to 22nd  | 41161 to 41426 | 265 |
Jan. 1st to 22nd  | 41676 to 43651 | 1975 |
Mch. to June 10th | 46151 to 48551 | 2400 | 6244


Total 42440