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Mrs. Murray S. Danforth             March 17th, 1936

Now I know that you have committed yourself quite heavily with a recent purchase you have made, and I feel consequently that you might not be willing for the time being to augment your commitments.  For this reason we would be glad to help you acquire these drawings by financing this purchase for you, enabling you then to pay for them in, let us say, four installments spread over a period of one year.

Although I am making this letter quite long, I wish to emphasize that these drawings are amongst the most important of the Italian 18th century and that it is really worth while to make every effort to acquire them.

I am sending you herewith enclosed an issue of the magazine "Old Master Drawings" in which these two drawings are reproduced.  I believe it will give you a better idea of the drawings themselves.  Indeed, in presence of the originals you shall discover hundreds of details and almost thousands of little figures which cannot be noticed on the reproductions.

For examply; on the drawing entitled "Regatta on the Grand Canal" there are hundreds of people standing on the balconies of the Palaces which you cannot see on the photograph.

Finally, I must add that it will not be possible to have these drawings sent over to this country on approval.  I have communicated with the owner to this effect and he has positively refused.  Therefore they would have to be bought on the reproductions and on the assurance that we are giving you that these drawings are "nec plus ultra".  I know that this opinion will be amply confirmed by Miss Hudson.

Looking forward to the pleasure of hearing from you on the subject and with renewed thanks for your kind interest, please believe me to be,

Yours very sincerely,

C.M. deHauke

Mrs. Murray S. Danforth
105 Prospect Avenue,
Providence, Rhode Island