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1 - VANGOGH, VINCENT (1853-1890)
Quill Drawing, entitled "Vue d'Arles"
Signed "Vincent" and titled "Vue d'Arles" at lower left.
Collections: Freudenberg Collection, Nikolassee Paul Cassirer Collection, Berlin
Exhibited: National Gallery, Berlin, 1921

Reproduced: E.H.duQuesne-Van Gogh, Personliche Erinnerungen, opposite page 41.
Der Cicerone, année XIV,15 (Aout 1922), Vincent Van Gogh, Briefe an Emile Bernard und Paul Gaughin, page 28.
#1416(Vol.3) of La Faille-"Catalogue raisonné des Oeuvres de Vincent Van Gogh."
Mentioned in letters to his brother, Vol.3. letter 487, page 54.
(Size 17-1/2" x 22")

2 - TOULOUSE-LAUTREC (1864-1901)

Water color entitled "Yvette Guilbert saluant"

Sale Heim, 1913

Se tenant à un portant de sa main gantée de noir jusqu'au coude, l'autre bras tombant, Yvette vient saluer le public. Elle est de face, masque de clown. Sourcils remontés, nez épaté, bouche, en coup de sabre. Robe verte et cheveux jaune roux. Dessin au crayon noir rehaussé d'aquarelle. Signé à gauche, en bas du monogramme.

En haut. o.41 x o.24.
Recharche pour l'Album: Yvette Guilbert, 1894. XV1 pl.Delteil, No.95. Même sujet à l'essence, au Musee d'Albi, No.112. Voir photo Joyant 35.343.

If you are interested, I can try and find for you the Album of lithographs by Toulouse-Lautrec, entitled "Yvette Guilbert", and in which the water-color is reproduced.

3 - CEZANNE, Paul

Drawing and Water-color "Joueur de Cartes"
Reproduced: Vollar's"Cezanne"

Study for the well known picture "Jouers de Cartes", the largest version of which is in the Barnes Foundation Collection. The small version is in the Stephen Clark Collection, New York, and different oil studies are to be seen in:
The Tate Gallery
Courtauld Collection
Worcester Art Museum
and in other European Collections

Transcription Notes:
. Robe verte = green dress (obviously erased and corrected on original)