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May 12, 1938

Dear Andre:

I was notified by the Director of the Dallas Museum of Fine Arts that they are going to hold, from October 2 to October 30, an exhibition of works by British painters. I am asking if you wouldn't be kind enough to lend them some of your paintings.

The Museum is a very fine modern building and this exhibition, besides its artistic aspect, will undoubtedly do something towards developing an interest in English painting in Texas. As you know, I was in Texas last February, and there is quite an inclination towards that school which has been hampered rather than developed by the very bad pictures which have been shown and sold there. It is to the interest of all of us who own English paintings to contribute to this show. We personally are probably going to lend about ten paintings. 

Do be kind enough to let me know what your decision is at your earliest convenience because this matter has to be decided as far as I am concerned before the first of June, the date of my sailing. Insurance, packing and shipping will be paid by the museum.

With my kindest regards, believe me,

Very sincerely yours

(René Seligmann)

Andre de Coppet, Esq.
655 Park Avenue 
New York, New York


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