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October 19, 1953

[[To Dear]] Mr. de Hevesy:

  May I first thank you for the very kind lines you were good enough to send to me while I was in Paris, and to tell you also how disappointed I was of course not to be able to see you in Brussels.

  However, as you so kindly write, let us hope we can meet on my next visit to Europe, where I regularly go in the Spring.

  You are asking me whether I at times go to London, which I indeed do, and also what type of drawings I am particularly interested in. 

  The latter question is more difficult to answer for I am interested in practically all periods of art from the Middle Ages to our days, with the exception however of the Dutch school of the 17th century and the English school of the 18th century, but my taste goes to rather complete and important drawings as far as their quality is concerned, and not to those of too sketchy a nature.

  19th century French and 17th century French, as well as drawings of the Fontainebleau school are particularly alluring to me.

  Now, from a purely commercial angle those with pedigrees and references have perforce a priority.

  You can see from the above that this emcompasses a vast field, and do hope therefore that sooner or later I will be tempted by some you would know of, and which would be available for purchase.

  With renewed thanks for your courtesy and with personal greetings,

                       Yours very sincerely,

                       (Germain Seligman)

Monsieur Andre de Hevesy
10 rue Faider

de Hevesy