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Mr Louis Barnet    4.

An item that was greatly in need of restyling is vegetable bins. We have submitted ten (10), all attractive. However, structurally they were either too unique or too similar to the present stock. We have, therefore, worked out six (6) new ideas which we think are very smart. They are new in principle and attractive in design. These are to be submitted next week.

We have also submitted eight (8) garbage cans to match the vegetable bins in design. These, too, are very attractive, but the feeling generally is that we should work out a plan to hook in as many of the kitchen accessories as possible into the scheme, such as cannisters, bread boxes, etc. This is being developed.

Among the many other items we are developing are washing machines, carpet sweepers, ironing boards, electrical appliance of all kinds, pots and pans (all finishes) etc.

The originality of baby furniture was discussed with Mr MANDELSON and several new structural features were devised all of which he believes have merit. The actual design of the original pieces were not particularly exciting nor had we attempted to do so. We have since developed several new interesting pieces to be shown next week. With regard to this, we were referred to one manufacturer whose immediate reaction was that volume is necessary. This particular problem, therefore, is one that will probably have to go through AMC. In any case we are continuing to develop more items. We are to see Mr Mandelson this coming week to discuss this further.

At the request of Mr WOTHERSPOON we developed nineteen (19) designs for glass candlabra. These were completed at the time when his services were dispensed with. In view of the state of the department at the time we have let the matter rest. Now, however, we will continue our work in this department with Mr BIRD who is anxious to go ahead. As you know, the chinaware is being manufactured in Czecho-Slovakia but we have had no further word of late.

In our original meeting with Mr GORMAN he told us there was much to be done, and undoubtedly there is, particularly in the modern field. We were told at the time that it would be best to wait for the return of Mr BETHMAN to discuss this further. In the meanwhile, however, Mr Gorman was very eager to develop some new dinette sets. Eleven (11) were submitted to Mr Gorman's assistant who in turn selected six (6) and took them to Mr Gorman in Chicago. Upon his return we were advised 

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