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Telephone Plaza 5713 5714
Elsie de Wolfe 
Six Seventy-Seven Fifth Avenue
New York
Interiors Objects D'Art

January 31, 1923.

Mr. Jacques Seligmann,
705 Fifth Avenue,
New York, N. Y. 

Dear Mr. Seligmann:
I am sending you herewith the group by Falconet the original model for the clock in the Howford House Collection (Richard Wallace). 
I signal you that there is a crack across the back of one of the figures and that the head has been mended; otherwise - so far as I know - it is intact. 
I would like to get $2,000. for this group. I think it is well worth this price.
Thanking you for your courtesy in this matter, I remain
Very Truly Yours,
Elsie de Wolfe

Transcription Notes:
Difficulty deciphering handwritten text specifying spelling of name.