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CT ES January 7,1927 Mrs. Hugh Dillman, Hotel Ambassador, New York City. Dear Mrs. Dillman, Hearing that you had arrived in New York, I am writing you these few lines in the hope that you and Mr. Dillman may have some time to spare to come in and see our new galleries which we have just opened at 3 East Slet Street, next to the Union Club and opposite St. Patrick's Cathedral. Unfortunately, on the two occasions that I have been to Detroit with special exhibitions at the suggestion of Dr. Valentiner, I have not been able to get in touch with you, and last year in Paris, I was extremely anxious for you to come in and see our main establishment there, the Ancien Palais Sagan, and I sent you an invitation at the kind suggestion of our mutual friends, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Coles, but I presume that you did not have the time. As our galleries here are only within two blocks of your hotel, it occurred to me that probably you could call in here some morning or afternoon when you are passing. Looking forward, therefore, to the pleasure of meeting you, believe me to be Yours very truly,