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, March 27, 1936

My dear Mr. Dillman:

After we left Palm Beach, we took a motor trip through Aiken, White Sulphuric, etc.,— we went through floods and finally reached New York. This is the reason why I didn’t write you sooner to thank you for having allowed me to see your house. I have been raving about it ever since, and I think it is one of the most beautiful homes I have ever seen. One side looks like a garden in Egypt, and the other side like a palace in Sorrento.

I am sorry I didn’t have the opportunity to see you again, but I hope I shall see you in New York before I sail. As I am not leaving for Europe until early in June, I shall probably be in Detroit sometime in May. I hope you will be there at the same time.

May I add that Mrs. Seligmann and myself enjoyed the Russian Ballet extremely, and I learned with great pleasure through Mrs. Fatio that you raised a substantial sum for the hospital. 

Please convey my thanks to Mrs. Dillman. Trusting these lines find you both in good health

Believe me

Sincerely yours,

(Rene Seligmann)


Hugh Dillman, Esq.
Palm Beach