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May 3rd, 1937

Dear Hugh:

I hope you reached home safely, rested and found everything in good order.

First of all, let me thank you for the extremely thoughtful and nice wire on my re-instatement with Seligmann's. I am certainly most confident that the move I made was a good one and here's hoping that all your good wishes may come true.

Many friends have been extremely kind in either phoning or sending flowers so in spite of my four years absence I feel already quite at home.

It certainly was awfully good to see you here in such good form though your visit was far too short, and I am afraid we were crowding things in a little too much. Therefore, be quided accordingly and allow yourself a little more time when you come to New York next. 

Perhaps you will let me know a few days in advance of your arrival so I can have the necessary Welcome Arches built as well as select the Honor Girls-- you know that white dresses soil so easily in warm weather.
